Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A new year. A new end.

Today is December 31, 2008. The last day of the old year.
I remember that on this day last year, my mama said,
"Don't worry sweet heart, 2008 will be a great year."
But if that's the case then, why did she die?
I dread the New Year, but I don't know how it can get any worse.
But it's not exactly getting any better either.
I don't know, I just don't want to lose anyone else that I love.

With a broken heart I say good bye to the old year.
And prepare to step into the new one, and the first one...of many.
Without my mom,
Hello 2009, I won't let you crush my spirit.
Cause you'll have to answer to my mama if you do.

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