Monday, December 8, 2008

The way I see it.

I am REALLY tired of death!
I really thought the death of people I knew or loved or the loved ones of those I know and love would cease for awhile.
I was terribly mistaken.
And lets not forget that 2 of my favorite actors passed away this summer/fall too!
Oh Bernie Mac and Paul Newman, you guys totally kicked ass.
Today one of my dear friends lost her son quite suddenly. My heart aches for her. :(

Annette Klosterman
Ellie Painter a cute 3 year old I took care of last year that lost her battle to leukemia
Jeannie Anderson
Keith Luksan
Father & Son: Jack & John Store
The 'Dick's Camera' guy who always gave us kids hugs after Sunday school and our 1st Bibles
Richard McEachern
Sandy Montgomery
Jean Nolan who first start Goody Gumdrops in Old Burien
and Richard Dunn

That's way too many I know in the course of a year, and wouldn't ya know it, the one person I really want to talk to is number 3 on the list. Sad times, and so close to Christmas...and my stupid birthday.

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