Well this so-called Blog Outage is kinda driving me nuts, and my posts aren't really popping up in the correct chronological order, but he, I'm getting the responses like, "It feels like I'm right there with you!!" and that's what I wanted to hear! :) Ahem, it's tres' gorgeouss in the city du Paris! And when we were let loose to have some fun I went crazy at the Tour de Eiffel! Seriously folks, it's a work of art! Venez régaler vos yeux sur mes photos de la Tour Eiffel toujours étonnante! It's sort of a smug feeling conversing with the people of France, especially when we aare able to have pretty fluent conversations with them. Obviously they weren't expecting such things from a group of Americans. Although, they are however, quick to congradulat us on the election of President Obama. "Il est temps de vous les Américains ont voté Bush de bureau." *big sigh* Polotics.
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