Sunday, July 26, 2009

Visiting Jenn!!

Flying out to Spokane and my Jennifer will be picking me up at the airport. omg. I'm so excited, you have no idea. I MISS this girl. While down in Oregon she called me up and pretty much told me to "get your butt over here." She's newly engaged and David is going to be down in Nevada on a geology dig, so that means....GIRL TIME!! I'm so excited. Love her.

In Spokane with my bud, and we have packed a picnic lunch and will soon be on our way to Cour de'Lane. This really hot weather is ridiculous. But she's used to it, and me living in the 'Burg for awhile, we're pretty used to it. (: However...Flanders, her car is being a tard. His AC only works when going 70+ mph. That's fine and all on the East side of the state, but...we're driving back to Seattle together and uh, well...the West side is 60mph and below. Chyeah. We're gonna die.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The cycle continues.

You have been gone a year. One. 365 days and counting. The cycle is continuing again. I am no closer to knowing why you were taken Home so soon. But no farther either.
Watch over me.

You are not here anymore. Not physically. I cannot touch you. I cannot reach out and have you catch me. I cannot cry and have you dry my tears. You are not here anymore. But you are not gone. Not forever anyway. You live on. In me.
Watch over me mama.
Watch over me.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

I love where I live.

Three Tree Point is the place to be. And the 4th of July is no exception. So have a happy Independence America. I's proud to be an American.
Gosh I sure do love where I live. (: