Wednesday, September 30, 2009

peppermint tea and mama hugs

Thank you mama.
For making sure there would be women who would share their motherly love with me if needed.
For instilling in me the wonders of our Lord and Savior.
When in my time of pain and sorrow when I reach for you when you cannot come anymore; He is there.
Thank you mom's for your 6th sense when a child you care for needs you.
Thank you for love, cool water, and late night phone calls.
And staying on the phone till I fall asleep.
Thank you Heavenly Father for never abandoning me.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Just got back from an awesome fun-filled weekend at your dads with Scotty.
I've missed spending time with him mom, and I'm really glad dad decided to let us go and have it just be us. We siblings had a lot of catching up to do.
I'm really going to miss him when I move to California.
You and dad did a good job mama, even now, Scotty and I are still the best of friends. :)

Friday, September 25, 2009

Autumn Time.

The leaves are changing colors. So is the sky, and the days are getting shorter again. Well, they have been for awhile, but this is the season where we all start to notice. I don't particularly have a favorite season per say. I think they are all great in their own way. And they all have certain things about them that suck. Eg; fall = school. Winter = too much snow. (living in Ellesnburg does that to you.) Spring = lots and lots of rain if you're a Seattle-ite.) And summer, (especially last summer) is too freaking hot. But I am a huge fan of Autumn and all of it's beautiful warm and rich vibrant colors.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Once again.

You are remembered and missed.
And this still isn't normal to me.
Who really gets into the swing of not having a mom?
That's what I thought, no one.
Today I remember, miss, and love you.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Thank you for the shooting star mama.
I love you.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Today we Remember

Those we lost today 8 years ago.
A day that our country came together.
Today we also take time to remember...
...not just those lost in the towers, but
Anyone we have might lost over the years.

We remember.
And I remember you.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

You are sailing down the Hood Canal now.
Farewell, I love you.