Saturday, December 26, 2009

12-26 (again)

It's December 26th yet again, and 22 years ago I was born.
And 2 years ago today, I had a mom who made this day special.
I really truly loved my birthday until my mom died. I love Christmas, I always have. There have always been 3 days of nonstop Christmas fun that most other families don't have. Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Katie's Birthday. In my mom's eyes that was nonstop party and boy was it great. I've been doing a lot better in the grieving department, and yesterday was absolutely bomb, but today has been hard. I mean, today is my birthday and my mom isn't here. Happy Birthday me.

Pro's: Dad, Scotty, and I (and a gorgeous picture of mom) had our family portrait today. :)
Con's: I look like crap!
Pro's: Mama Kim and Kayla took me out for a fun night.
Con's: Nine was really bad.
Pro's: Had a sleepover with the bestie the night before and a tasty birthday breakfast.
Con's: The bestie had to work on my freakin' birthday!!
Final pro (no con): My dad and brother made me a beautiful birthday cake and wonderful gifts.

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