It makes me so mad when I see other moms and daughters together on her anniversaries. I can handle the other days just fine, and usually take pleasure and relief seeing other moms and their daughters together. And I'm happy to see others with a relationship like the one I had with my mom. Can I say have still? Yes, yes I can.
My life is changing, faster and faster, and so many things are going through my mind that I need to talk to her about. Things that I want to talk to her about. Anniversary days like these, they are bittersweet. I wake up wanting and knowing to honor and remember her, and hit the pillow again at night with puffy red eyes wishing I could just screw it all and have my mom back.
I know I sound vain and full of it, but I had...have a truly amazing mom. I was so blessed, many young women can only dream of the mom that I had. She was just...amazing. So caring, so giving, so loving. And not just to Scotty and I, if she felt you needed a mom, or weren't getting enough love from the one you had, she'd love you. My mom, she was the best.
You were and always will be mama. I miss you with all my heart mommy, don't forget me.

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