Today as I was out on a run with my dog Mojo it was so humid and muggy. I was getting pretty hot and flushed and just 'erg!' and totally tired and unhappy. Finally as I came back down around the point and was right alongside the water I just threw my arms back and lifted my hands, and asked God for some rain. "Let it fall God!" And I was answered. And it felt so good. So cleansing. I seriously felt like crying. The tiny droplets on my skin and the amazing feeling you get when you are taking care of your body. The feeling of all the sweat and dirt washing off my body, I was so overwhelmed with the joy of knowing that this is how it is as a Christian. God washes away all of the 'dirt' and 'gunk' on our outside and in. Because He loves us so much. It's funny because I thought that after 18 months since my mama went Home that my heart would be totally healed. I was definitely wrong. Then I became drastically discouraged because I thought I was spiraling out of control because my heart wasn't completely healed. So many things have been falling together the more I've turned to Him. My Savior. My heart is healing, I'm not afraid of life anymore without my mom. I'm not afraid to keep going, His Heavenly rain has washed all those thoughts away. I'm not afraid. I'm okay. I'm healing. I'm okay. I will be okay. I am okay. Continue to wash me in your Heavenly, healing rain Jesus. Let it rain.

Healing rain, is coming down.
It's coming closer, to the lost and found.
Tears of joy, and tears of shame.
Are forever washed in Heaven's name.
Healing rain is falling down.
Healing rain is falling down.
I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid.
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