Thursday, March 26, 2009

Perhaps my heart lies in Paris

We could do whatever we wanted tonight and all I did was sit and admire the Notre Dome'. It's so beautiful and majestic, how could anyone not? There is a peace I feel sitting in it's great presence. Yes, I will come back to this place again someday. Sooner then later, a lesson I have learned from my parents. Maybe I will bring my own daughter someday and we will come here together for the mother and daughter adventure mom and I planned years ago. Yes, yes this is the city of love. I've got my mom's warm embrace wrapped around me and that is the love that will get me through anything. Au revior ma me're, je t'adore le vous.

1 comment:

  1. Notre Dame de Paris is an incredible cathedral. I'd like to share experiences with you sometime, ma cher Katie!
