Sunday, October 12, 2008


I've always hated change. It drove my mama crazy, but I couldn't and can't stand when things I'm comfortable with, and the way I know how life is, suddenly changes. Like when I'd have to go to camp. Hated it. Coming home from camp. Hated it. Same with college, swim team, work, you get the point.
My mom dying? That's NOT a change I have come to terms with, nor do I think I ever will. I found strength and stability and comfort at church. These people are my 2nd family and I feel safe there. But today marked a very big change. Pastor Chris Twitman led his last sermon today. Saying good-bye to him and wishing him luck before he left for California was SO hard. I just can't believe it! He was such a big encouragement after the death of my mom, and I was just getting to know him, like really know him, and today I had to say good-bye. 
I don't understand any of these changes that I'm stuck going through, granted I do enjoy some change. Okay, maybe it's not the change part. No.
You know what the hard part is mama? Saying good-bye.

Good-bye Pastor Chris! We will miss you!

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