Friday, January 29, 2010

My goodies.

Sometimes, I am such a girly-girl. Oh well, all girls get that right every now and then. (:
I'm back in the Emerald city. Quick trip, but that's the life my job throws at me. It's alright though, I've discovered I really like to travel which is definitely a good thing since I'll be doing a lot of it in 2010. Okay, so as soon as daddy got me home from the airport I discovered (er, he told me) that a[nother] package came for me while I was gone.
Drum roll please... MY BEAUTY SUPPLIES FINALLY CAME!! I'm so excited. My model mocha shimmer, rock icon fuchsia lipstick, amazing concealer, and as soon as I get my IQQU sunscreen and jasmine rice scrub my life will be complete!! Complete I say!! Wah-hahahahaha.

what's that you be jammin' to gurl?
Lady GaGa good sir. (:

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