Sunday, November 1, 2009


I seriously HATE being the only girl. I hate it that my mom is gone. I hate that I'm stuck living with 2 guys who pretty much have the 'whatever' attitude. I hate that I worry about them more then they know or care. I hate that one and I are always bickering about the dumbest shit and the other one could care less that I'm here or not. I just hate my life without my mom. I really hate life without my Watson. I've gotten used to nights like these where I'm sick and tired of the family situation I'm in and not have my mom here...sort of. Up until a couple weeks ago, I could just go into my room, close my door, collapse on my bed and get showered by kisses. Whether I was right or wrong; Watson loved me. Now I'm just stuck sitting here in my room by myself in the dark, wishing my unconditional kisses would come. But they won't come. Never again. I HATE this,

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